Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Marathon Training

So, training normally isn't that bad of a deal, except when life surprises you with thinks like walking pneumonia.  Every time I get sick or take a few days off it feels like such a setback.  Well the marathon is in about 7 weeks so we are just gonna keep doing what we can do and enjoy the experience.  I'm looking forward to being able to say that I have ran a marathon but it seems like a long way off...

Tonight's run was one hour on the treadmill.  I used to be able to run around 7 miles in that time but tonight was just over 6 but I'll be ok with that.  I will just keep taking it one step at a time and push myself a little harder each day :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Something New

So I am putting myself out there and trying something new.  I have joined Under Armour Women which basically is a place to do a video blog of workouts, progresses and challenges you are doing.  I'm gonna try this and see if it helps me stay motivated.  I was doing really good when I was running with Michael but his work schedule is so random and I have gotten into the habit of slacking when he can't go with me.  Anyway, I'm gonna see if I can keep up with this and continue getting fitter and feeling better about myself :)

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