Saturday, August 11, 2012

When God Giggles

If there is one thing this lifestyle of ours has taught me it is that everything in life is unpredictable.  Every time I start to plan something for the future I can just picture my God sitting up there giggling and say, "So, that is what you think you are going to do..."  This has helped me understand that is is ok for me to have a plan but to know that God may have something very different in mind for me.  God has been reminding me of his perfect plan these past few weeks as I feel like my plan has be picked up and tossed about in between crazy training schedules, my work, and day-to-day life.  

Michael and I moved to Oahu eight months ago around which time I started actively searching for a job.  Through all my training and education I have told everyone, including my God, that I want to serve and make a difference with my life.  I put myself out there in different ministries and organization and said I would help out where ever I was needed.  Well... Where ever...  Just not with people with disabilities.  I told myself that I was not called to that area and was not blessed with the personality and patience that job would take.  Well, now I know that God was giggling at my plans.  The job opportunity that God decided to make available to me was working with kids 0-21 with disabilities, specifically ASD.  

What do I do?  I teach them skills to help them be functional and independent in mainstream society. 

 Is it difficult?  Very much so.  

Do I love it? Absolutely.

In only six months on the job my agency has recognized me as someone who is passionate and caring about the kids I work with and has started pulling specialty cases just for me.  I have started doing short term intensive cases with children under the age of 3 working on skills such as communication, peer play, and appropriate behavior.  I am also working with a teen who is using CARD (The Center for Autism Related Disorders) programs.  What this means is that we test newly developed programs and methods for children with Autism.  

This week I was thinking about how God has placed me on this career path for a reason.  As I was dealing with some of the less than glamorous parts of my job - teaching personal hygiene skills - I was thinking about how I hesitated taking this opportunity and wondering where I would be if I hadn't .  But I am now learning that God had a perfect plan for my life that needed me to deal with some uncomfortable situations first.  Everyday I am reminded to love harder and be patient longer and to live to fullest of every opportunity God send my way....


Donna said...

Absolutely beautiful post!

I am so very proud of you!

Tony and Heather Snyder said...

I love this. I have been there when God giggle multiple times. It's so HARD but so worth it in the end (and many times I need to remind myself of that over and over and over again).

I would love to chat w/ you. We think our little guy might be in that spectrum but I can't figure out how to get him diagnosed....with that or ANYTHING. They are going to slap a "Developmental Delay" tag on him but won't do much more "just yet". But I need to know soon b/c he being disabled in anyway will affect if his parents get him back (seeing that his mom is freaking out at the thought that he might need speech b/c she thinks he's normal...ha)

Erinn said...

Heather, I would encourage you to continue to pursue assistance with your little man if you think there might be a disability there. I know it is hard for parents to admit and accept that there might be a delay but it is so important to get him the needed services early on.

Definitely talk to his school and doctors about getting him evaluated. Know that they might drag their feet a little so continue to advocate for him. Call me anytime if you want to chat more about it!

Unknown said...

I love that on the day you and I chat about other things I check this and see you have posted this song for this point in your life...I have been in love with it and feel it has helped me to slow down and try to be patient with all aspects of my life, you know what I mean...

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