Saturday, May 8, 2010

Faith and Healing

This term I am taking a class on Medical Anthropology.  What is this exactly?  It is learning how to understand each person's interpretation of health, illness, healing, and the sources and methods of that healing.  This becomes important in order to not appear judgmental or superior to others you work with.  Also, a person's understanding of these things can give one an inside look at some of their values, morals, and beliefs.

For this class I was asked to do a seven week long field study on peoples medical views.  I chose to learn more about peoples beliefs about the relationship between faith and healing.  Last night I met with a woman who broke her back when she was twenty years old and though the break did not paralyze her, it left her in horrible back pain.  She has spent the last thirty-five years trying to free herself from the constant pain she is in.  The results are an almost completely manually fused spinal column and more pain than she has ever had before.  My heart hurts for this woman who does not believe in the Lord, but claims atheism.  She told me that she suffers from depression and in our conversation, I could sense the extreme amount of anger she had in regards to the situation she was in. 

In contrast, I have spoken with a lady, also living in horrible pain, who has been filled with the Holy Spirit.  She explained how the Lord is the one who helps her cope everyday with the pain and that He is the only reason that her marriage or even her life has not ended.  Though she does not know the reason for her pain, she knows that God has a perfect plan and reason for everything.  She spends her day in a situation which most of us could not imagine.  However, she functions so that she can bless and encourage others.

I don't understand how people can go through suffering without the love of God.  God is the source of love, understanding, joy, and healing.  Is this not only another reason to let His joy shine through you and let His love be contagious to everyone you meet?  Think about all the people you see, pass, meet, and bump into everyday.  Can a simple smile spread love?  Can an "How are you today?" said to a stranger affect someone's health?  God moves in miraculous ways, could He not use a simple gesture to change a life?

I challenge you to go outside your comfort zone just one time a day and encourage a stranger.  Encourage someone whose situation you don't know.  Encourage someone who may be in extreme physical, emotional, or spiritual pain.  One smile, one complement, one wave... See what happens.


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