Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh, the crazy ideas!

So I have been known to come up with some crazy ideas once in a while :)  I like this, it keeps my life interesting.  Anyways.  My mom suggested a while back that we should walk the Pear Blossom 10 miler.  I decided that if I were to walk 10 miles it would take me all day, so I decided to run/walk it.  The downside of this crazy idea is that I actually have to learn how to run again.  Now running isn't necessarily a pastime that I enjoy.  I love just about every sport from swimming to bowling, but running was never really my thing.  Anyway, I have been running... well run/walking.  I must say I am very impressed with my progress.  I tend to get sore very easily, but that must mean that I am getting stronger right?  Our gym recently brought in two manual treadmills which I love and am willing to fight for :)  I must say they make you work!

So this has been my goal recently and I hope to have the motivation to last til the end of April.  I pulled out my favorite pair of running shoes again, but I think they are about ready to die on me.  Guess this means I get to treat myself to a new pair of shoes!

 The biggest thing for me with this training thing is going to simply find the time.  Tonight I spent 42 minutes on the treadmill doing my best attempt at running - ok there was a lot of walking too.  42 minutes at an average pace of 12mpm.  I was happy with that.  I hope to do race day in 10 minute miles :)  Here goes nothing!


Orlinda said...

woohoo! Go Erinn!! :0)

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