Tuesday, February 22, 2011


You know it is the end of the term when papers are falling out of your binders, assignments are everywhere, and you are nearly missing deadlines.  Well that is the point of the term which I have reached.  I feel like my brain is in twenty places at once.
This is why I got very excited today when I made significant progress.  Bible study this morning, followed with a paper, class, gym, and research.  All in a day, I say we did good.  2.5 weeks left in the term and I can't wait to be done, 19 credits is too much!
One of my remaining assignments is for my Archaeology in Film class and I had to chose one film and analyze it's historical, archaeological, and anthropological accuracy and portrayals.  I have chosen to look at the 2010 Robin Hood movie with Russel Crow.  I have been having fun learning about the original Robin Hood legend and seeing the various ways Hollywood has chosen display the story.  Makes you think twice about what we take for reality simply because media portrays it one way or another.  Anyway, those are the thoughts from today's studying...


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