Saturday, February 26, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

I think it is good to every once in a while to make a list of some of my favorite things in life.  It is fun to look back at these and see what I enjoyed so much during a time in my life :)  It is kinda like putting in an old mix tape and I can totally tell what faze in life I was in at the time...  Anyway, my list for today!
  1. Regular phone calls from the love of my life.
  2. A warm cup of coffee.
  3. Cupcakes
  4. Friends that I can stay up all night talking to.
  5. Pandora
  6. The new Thompson Square CD.
  7. Current technology. AKA Laptops which save me from hand-written papers!
  8. Sunshine
  9. Flowers
  10. Calm in the midst of the storm.
What is your favorite thing today?


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